Comments on: Dial Indicator for Build Bed Level Test 3D Printer usage and modifications plus Arduino powered electronic projects and 3D Printing designs. Sun, 08 Jun 2014 11:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Heywood Thu, 08 Aug 2013 01:38:07 +0000 Hi Jeff,

The parts I design are usually best printed at a layer height of 0.25mm or less. However, I can help you modify the code to get the adjustment that you want.

Open up the OpenSCAD file to edit the last two modules called upright_bracket() and upright(). In these two modules you’ll find “probe_w+8″ within the lines of code, you should find six “probe_w+8″, change the 8 to a different number to adjust the bracket thickness.

Once the above is done, there is one more line to change and it is about the eighth line down from “module upright_bracket() {“; this is the line that will adjust the bracket screw hole to go all the way through.

Change the 9 in “probe_w+9″ to something like 30 and then change the 16 in “cylinder(16,r=probe_b/2)” to something like 40. This adjustment should be enough for the increased bracket thickness.

Hope this helps,


By: Jeff Schaber Wed, 07 Aug 2013 14:17:26 +0000 I Printed this last night and the upright arms that support the Dial Indicator are a bit weak (printed in ABS). I tried to modify the Scad file as you suggested above but did not see a variable to change the thickness of the upright arms Is there a way to modify the file to do this?

