Hexy the Hexapod

Open Source Low Cost Fully Articulating DIY Robot Kit


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The Robot

Hexy Intro

Hexy Is

Hexy the Hexapod is a fully articulated hexapod robot kit that gives you a platform to explore advanced robotics, kinematics, and programming. Hexy makes complex robotics less costly, easier to learn with the tutorials and documentation, while being radically more fun (and cute!). At the same time its built with completely open source hardware and software, making discovery and extension as easy as building it in the first place.

Hexy has six legs, 19 servo motors and is powered by Arduino, while maintaining a price 4-10x less expensive than current hexapod robots.  Great for students 15+ and up exploring advanced robotics and kinematics and DIY enthusiasts looking for an open-source platform.

Use it to learn advanced robotics concepts like inverse kinematics, or use pre-built code to have it march to your bidding. Build it using the high-quality  picture filled tutorials, and it is ready to walk, play and dance with pre-built demos. Adding moves is as easy as opening and editing a text file, and moves are easily share-able as simple text files.

Your kit includes

  • Everything needed to build the kit, even the screwdriver
  • 7 bags of blue acrylic laser-cut pieces (1 extra set of legs)
  • 20 servos (18 for legs, 1 for eyes, 1 extra)
  • Ultrasonic distance sensor eyes
  • Full Arduino-based Servotor32 robot controller capable of controlling up to 32 Servos
  • All the screws and nuts you need to assemble the kit, with extras
  • Bluetooth module that plugs straight into the Servotor32 robot controller
  • USB cable
  • 2 battery holders and cables



Hexy has an active developer community on our forums, with people creating and posting their work. Everyone from high school students to Cambridge PhDs. Check out some of their results:


Hexy dances and shows its range of movements

Hexy shows kinematic walking

Hexy doodles

Hexy writes

Hexy dancing to Michael Jackon’s Thriller

Complete assembly video


More Information

Guide to getting started with Hexy

Hexy in the press

Hexy’s source files on Github