Dawn Robotics Forum Support and community forums for Dawn Robotics Ltd 2014-06-09T23:29:07+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/feed.php?f=5&t=1248 2014-06-09T23:29:07+01:00 2014-06-09T23:29:07+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1248&p=1330#p1330 <![CDATA[Re: Can't connect to]]>
One issue which as tripped people up in the past is that the password for the network 'Raspberry' is case sensitive with a capital 'R'. Probably should have changed this a while back, but it was inherited from an Adafruit tutorial and I've put the current spelling in lots of places now. :?

The SD card image is set up as an access point simply to make it easy for people to connect to using a smartphone or a tablet. Sorry, I agree that it does make it a bit awkward for people wanting to connect to it from a Desktop PC and browse the internet at the same time, but I haven't got a great way to make it an easily configurable option yet. The network configuration of the Pi can be modified in a number of different ways. This tutorial looks to be fairly good for setting up WiFi networking to a router, although you may need to replace the /etc/network/interfaces file with one from a standard Raspbian install before the GUI WiFi network tools work properly.

You can edit the access point SSID, channel and access point by editing the configuration file with

sudo nano /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

Please let me know how you get on with connecting to it wirelessly. If it's not a password issue then we can look at some other options.



Statistics: Posted by Alan — Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:29 pm

2014-06-09T18:35:38+01:00 2014-06-09T18:35:38+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1248&p=1329#p1329 <![CDATA[Can't connect to]]>
I have the recommended wireless USB adaptor for the Camera Pi Robot

I have tested it on my other Pi (with no robot and camera connected) by following on line instructions and altering /etc/wpa.config and /etc/network/interfaces. It works fine.

When I use it with my other identical Pi which is on the robot it fails. I can not connect to the 'Pi_Mini_Robot’ network at all. I have disconnected the usb and power to the Mini driver so power should not be an issue as I have used the same 1A power supply I used to test on my other Pi (unless running it as a wireless access point uses more power?!)

Any pointer?

Also, why is this set up as a Wireless Access Point. When I have a cable plugged in, it gets a normal IP address via DHCP and I can control the motors fine. By having it as a Wireless Access Point I have to disconnect from my router and loose my Internet connection in order to use the Pi's motors. Am I missing something here? Should I be able to log in to both the Pi_Mini_Robot network and my router if the former worked?

Statistics: Posted by m23w23g — Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:35 pm
