1. Connect rpi to to an hdmi tv or monitor. plug a usb keyboard in.
2. Plug RPI into your network via an ethrnet connection.
3. Access the RPI desktop and setup a wifi connection to your home wifi router SID and password using the RPI wireless connection utility.
4. Do ifconfig command to get wireless adapter IP address.
5. Disconnect ethernet cable connection. This will force new wireless connection to be priority.
6. From an external computer use putty to SSH into RPI using wireless IP address to make sure you still have internet access. Try doing an update (eg sudo apt-get update)
7. Lift robot drive wheels so it will not move and access the robot control web page using your new wireless IP address. eg (yours will be different) You should now be able to control the robot from the new wireless address. This setting should stick after a reboot if you have a newer RPI build.
I access my Dawn Robot over my local wifi network without any problems. I can control the robot normally using the local IP address. If you have access to your router you might try doing a DHCP reservation so the IP address does not change over time. The setup makes updates, development and testing easier for me,Statistics: Posted by pageauc — Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:59 pm