Dawn Robotics Forum Support and community forums for Dawn Robotics Ltd 2015-09-01T21:55:35+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/feed.php?f=5&t=1257 2015-09-01T21:55:35+01:00 2015-09-01T21:55:35+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1914#p1914 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
Thank you for your help. After much reading of other posts and a bit of trial and error we solved the problem. The batteries were not providing enough power to the combined system! We confirmed this by powering up the Pi on a power lead and then went out and bought some Maplin 2400mha rechargeables. These also did their job but don't seem to last that long. We have noticed that as battery power runs down one of the first things to stop working is the wifi. Wasted a bit of time at one point troubleshooting the arduino drive connection before realising that it requires a separate power source (ie batteries) from the Pi if the Pi is powered with the lead, obvious really!

Anyway, it seems to be working OK and are now trying to use python to program movements. Got some basics movements working, but still playing with the commands to understand what works and what doesn't. It's a cool toy! :D

Statistics: Posted by danixeddu — Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:55 pm

2015-09-01T12:33:39+01:00 2015-09-01T12:33:39+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1913#p1913 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
Firstly, welcome to the forums, and secondly, please accept my sincere apologies for the massive delay in seeing and responding to your support request. I don't get a notification from our forum software if a first email is waiting to be approved, so only saw your post by chance when looking at some of our older posts. I think this is the longest delay we've had though so I'll push the 'look for new forum software' up my todo list.

Anyway, if you haven't given up on your robot, and would still like some help. If you navigate to then you should get logs from the running robot. If you could please post the logs here then I can look to see if there's anything that might be causing your problem.



Statistics: Posted by Alan — Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:33 pm

2015-07-25T21:46:22+01:00 2015-07-25T21:46:22+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1887#p1887 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
My son and I recently acquired the Dawn Robotics Camera robot and have spent the last few weeks getting together. A few problems with the SD image but eventually flashed the card with the latest (2015-02-10-dawn-robotics-raspbian.img) and Big excitement last week when we got the robot to move around the room. We received and fitted the PI camera Yesterday and again Big excitement when we got streaming pictures :D .

Now this is where we hit a snag, not too dissimilar to the one described in this post but at the same time we are not sure its is the same problem. We can stream the camera but don't get movement from the wheels or the camera mount. If we disconnect the camera and reboot then movement is restored.

Any ideas on the cause? And a fix?

Dan & Max Lindfield

Statistics: Posted by danixeddu — Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:46 pm

2014-07-17T19:41:38+01:00 2014-07-17T19:41:38+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1368#p1368 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
That's great news. :)

Let me know if you want to change the software on your mini driver at some point and I can try to give you some more help with unsticking it.



Statistics: Posted by Alan — Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:41 pm

2014-07-17T13:22:21+01:00 2014-07-17T13:22:21+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1367#p1367 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
At last I have a working camera robot - everything is working fine. Thank you for all of your help! It is much appreciated.



Statistics: Posted by Madams — Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:22 pm

2014-07-16T17:13:30+01:00 2014-07-16T17:13:30+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1366#p1366 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
Yes, that's a good idea. To update the software you need to log into the Pi, and run the following commands from the command line

cd /home/pi/raspberry_pi_camera_streamer
git pull
cd build
sudo make install

cd /home/pi/raspberry_pi_camera_bot
git pull

The first batch of commands will update the camera streaming program, and the second batch will update the robot web server. If you reboot after running the commands your robot should hopefully work (umpteenth time lucky?)

The main thing to watch out for is to check that there are no build errors when running make for the camera streamer.



Statistics: Posted by Alan — Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:13 pm

2014-07-16T15:08:48+01:00 2014-07-16T15:08:48+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1365#p1365 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
Still no luck I am afraid. Have tried that zip file and ran the commands from the command line. There were some errors:

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.60s

avrdude-original: verifying ...
avrdude-original: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x3f != 0x00
avrdude-original: verification error; content mismatch

avrdude-original: safemode: Fuses OK

I tried the robot just in case, but still the same problem. The log page shows exactly the same as before. Is it best to just try the update to the latest software from the bitbucket repository so it can find and connect to firmware 0x31?

Statistics: Posted by Madams — Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:08 pm

2014-07-16T10:24:26+01:00 2014-07-16T10:24:26+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1364#p1364 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
One option we have is to update you to the latest software from the bitbucket repository (i.e. firmware version 0x31). Then the robot web server would find the correct firmware when it attempted to connect and should be able to talk to the mini driver.

This won't do you much good however if you want to update the software on the mini driver further in the future, so if you've got the patience then I've got some more steps you can take to try to fix this.

First I'd like to try to fix things from the command line. I've attached a zipped hex file (mini driver executable) to this post, built from the blink example. Can you please copy it to your SD card and then run the following from the command line of the Raspberry Pi

sudo service robot_web_server stop
unzip Blink.cpp.hex.zip
avrdude -p atmega8 -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -c arduino -b 19200 -D -U flash:w:Blink.cpp.hex:i

The first line will stop the web server (thinking about it, this may have interfered with the Arduino upload yesterday). The next line unzips the hex file and the final line aims to upload the hex file to the mini driver as it's done behind the scenes by the Arduino IDE.

Please let me know what output avrdude gives you. If it looks like it's worked then you should be able to get your robot working as described earlier. If it doesn't work then there's a possiblity that the bootloader on your mini driver is corrupt. (The bootloader is a small program that listens for communications to allow new programs to be uploaded). Do you have an other Arduinos lying around? Because if you do we can use that to rewrite the bootloader. Fingers crossed it doesn't come to that though...



Statistics: Posted by Alan — Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:24 am

2014-07-15T22:41:57+01:00 2014-07-15T22:41:57+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1363#p1363 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
Sorry to keep being a pain!

here is the most recent log when i connect to the robot:

Main Log
DEBUG:tornado.general:sockjs.tornado will use json module
INFO:root:Starting web server...
INFO:root:Read 0XACED 0.31
INFO:root:Expected 0XACED 0.29
INFO:root:Unable to connect to correct firmware, uploading...
INFO:root:No file copy needed
DEBUG:root:Building sketch in dir /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware
DEBUG:root:Trying to upload /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware/.build/atmega8/firmware.hex
DEBUG:root:uploadResult = 0
INFO:root:Read 0XACED 0.31
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET / ( 105.73ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /css/style.css ( 128.60ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /css/modal.css ( 11.14ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 31.61ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.joystick.js ( 12.31ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 13.76ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /images/ajax-loader.gif ( 12.81ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 8.85ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /logs.html ( 14.82ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 10.60ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 9.61ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 8.95ms
Ino Build Log

Statistics: Posted by Madams — Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:41 pm

2014-07-15T21:37:42+01:00 2014-07-15T21:37:42+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1362#p1362 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
That's something for later though. I can see that I'm going to have to put some work in to make sure that the mini driver firmware downgrade properly, but for now you should be able to fix this by performing these steps.

  • Connect your hub, USB mouse, keyboard and monitor again and boot into the Pi's desktop
  • Start the Arduino IDE (hopefully somewhere in the start menu)
  • Load the blink sketch by opening File > Examples > Basics >Blink
  • Choose the mini driver as the board by selecting Tools > Board > Arduino NG or older w/ Atmega8
  • Select the USB serial port by selecting Tools > Serial Port > ttyUSB0
  • Press the Upload button (arrow button pointing right)
  • Wait for the program to upload. If it's successful then about 30 seconds after the upload is complete you should see a blue LED on the mini driver start to blink
  • Power off your Pi
  • Unplug everything apart from Wifi and the mini driver (i.e. get your robot ready to run) and restart the Pi
  • This time everything should upload and fingers crossed you'll finally be able to start enjoying your robot... :)

What I think is going wrong with the firmware upload is the excessive serial traffic is stopping the upload from working properly for some reason. Uploading the blink sketch should stop the serial traffic and allow the firmware upload to go ahead.



Statistics: Posted by Alan — Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:37 pm

2014-07-15T20:54:05+01:00 2014-07-15T20:54:05+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1361#p1361 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
I now have the latest SD card image on the card - I didnt have the most recent image on the SD card, however I still have the same problem.

I have made sure to download the image zip file 15-5-2014 and extracted the file and wrote the image to the SD card using Win32DiskImager. I then started the Raspberry pi with my usb hub connected so I could have the wireless dongle, keyboard and mouse all plugged in and connected it to a monitor using an HDMI to VGA adapter. I then opened the terminal and expanded the file system. I then disconnected the USB hub and the HDMI cable from the Pi so that only the wireless USB dongle was in and connected the Pi to the mini driver through the USB cable. I powered the Pi and the minidriver switch on and left it for 4 to 5 minutes. I then connected to the robots wi-fi connection went to address and now have a shutdown button which i didnt have before and the camera stream works very well. However there is no reaction at all to moving the joysticks so I still can't move the motors at all. The log still says the robot will not connect to the firmware.

Any ideas for what to try next?

Here is the latest log:

Main Log
DEBUG:tornado.general:sockjs.tornado will use json module
INFO:root:Starting web server...
INFO:root:Read 0XACED 0.31
INFO:root:Expected 0XACED 0.29
INFO:root:Unable to connect to correct firmware, uploading...
INFO:root:No file copy needed
DEBUG:root:Building sketch in dir /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware
DEBUG:root:Trying to upload /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware/.build/atmega8/firmware.hex
DEBUG:root:uploadResult = 0
INFO:root:Read 0XACED 0.31
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET / ( 94.62ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /css/style.css ( 107.69ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /css/modal.css ( 12.75ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 32.15ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.joystick.js ( 12.38ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 13.41ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /images/ajax-loader.gif ( 13.00ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 8.89ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /logs.html ( 14.87ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 9.70ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 10.06ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 7.79ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /logs.html ( 8.90ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 9.03ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 9.63ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 7.39ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /logs.html ( 8.89ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 9.34ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 8.89ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 7.45ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /logs.html ( 18.93ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 9.55ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 8.86ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 7.37ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /logs.html ( 8.82ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 8.93ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 9.30ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 7.23ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET / ( 8.34ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /images/ajax-loader.gif ( 9.53ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 8.78ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.joystick.js ( 9.03ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 8.78ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /css/modal.css ( 10.65ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /css/style.css ( 8.81ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 7.74ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET / ( 9.78ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /images/ajax-loader.gif ( 10.48ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 9.24ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.joystick.js ( 8.90ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 9.30ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /css/modal.css ( 10.91ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /css/style.css ( 13.17ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 8.33ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET / ( 8.10ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /images/ajax-loader.gif ( 9.99ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 9.17ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.joystick.js ( 11.45ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 9.68ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /css/modal.css ( 9.05ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /css/style.css ( 9.27ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 7.72ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /logs.html ( 9.24ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 9.00ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 11.29ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 8.20ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /logs.html ( 8.79ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 9.31ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 8.80ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 7.36ms
Ino Build Log

Statistics: Posted by Madams — Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:54 pm

2014-07-14T17:47:32+01:00 2014-07-14T17:47:32+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1360#p1360 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
This line

WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4

Is I think because you actually had a newer version of the firmware installed on your mini driver (and messages were being sent back which weren't recognised). What date was on the SD card image that you downloaded? The mini driver firmware for the SD image date 15th May should have version 0x29.

Having said that it looks like an upload was attempted

INFO:root:Unable to connect to correct firmware, uploading...
INFO:root:No file copy needed
DEBUG:root:Building sketch in dir /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware
DEBUG:root:Trying to upload /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware/.build/atmega8/firmware.hex
DEBUG:root:uploadResult = 0

But it seems to have been unsuccesful :( As after that there is

INFO:root:Read 0X0 0.0

This could be a problem with trying to go back in firmware numbers. But it should be able to upload the firmware eventually...

My suggestion would be to first check that you have the latest version of the SD card image. Try that with your robot and check the log page to see that a connection is successfully made to firmware version 0x29. I suspect that this will get your motors working, and then we may need to work out why your camera isn't working. Although the camera should work better with the new SD card image, not worse... :P



Statistics: Posted by Alan — Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:47 pm

2014-07-14T17:24:09+01:00 2014-07-14T17:24:09+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1359#p1359 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
The mini driver has a red LED consistently on all the time while it is on and a blue LED flashes as you power on the mini driver so that is all OK.

I have now made sure the USB cable is connecting the PI to the mini driver (didn't have it in properly last time around!), however I still have no power to control the motors of the robot.

This is the new log code it is showing now:

Main Log DEBUG:tornado.general:sockjs.tornado will use json module
INFO:root:Starting web server...
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
INFO:root:Read 0X0 0.0
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
INFO:root:Expected 0XACED 0.28
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
INFO:root:Unable to connect to correct firmware, uploading...
INFO:root:No file copy needed
DEBUG:root:Building sketch in dir /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware
DEBUG:root:Trying to upload /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware/.build/atmega8/firmware.hex
DEBUG:root:uploadResult = 0
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
INFO:root:Read 0X0 0.0
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
WARNING:root:Got unrecognised response id - 4
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 12.28ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET / ( 104.51ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 145.61ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 17.40ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.joystick.js ( 13.20ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 8.79ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /logs ( 9.80ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /log ( 9.43ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 8.98ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 8.65ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/544/or4xpw3e/xhr_send ( 60.14ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/544/or4xpw3e/xhr_send ( 14.56ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:200 POST /robot_control/544/or4xpw3e/xhr_streaming ( 2178.09ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET / ( 9.87ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 12.56ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.joystick.js ( 11.16ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 10.88ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 8.76ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 10.33ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.46ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.52ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.25ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.25ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.44ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 13.06ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.53ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 13.45ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.39ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 13.73ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.95ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 13.91ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.69ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 15.18ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.89ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 13.48ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.73ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 13.76ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 13.30ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.18ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.02ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.33ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.93ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 24.17ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 13.83ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.52ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.24ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 17.89ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 13.50ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 13.82ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.16ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 16.62ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.59ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.54ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.79ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.37ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.97ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 22.28ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.00ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.00ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 13.39ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.38ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.50ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.10ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 14.77ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.35ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.50ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 25.48ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.56ms
INFO:tornado.access:204 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_send ( 12.32ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:200 POST /robot_control/720/e8314pt5/xhr_streaming ( 19777.63ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /log.html ( 9.27ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 9.54ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /logs.html ( 15.48ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 9.70ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 8.48ms

Ino Build Log

Statistics: Posted by Madams — Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:24 pm

2014-07-14T16:50:33+01:00 2014-07-14T16:50:33+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1358#p1358 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
The should be a record in the log of the Pi trying to talk to the Mini Driver to check that it's got the correct firmware on it. This should look something like

INFO:root:Read 0XACED 0.28 # Version read from mini driver
INFO:root:Expected 0XACED 0.28 # Expected version

But there's no sign of this in your logs.

Can you check that the USB cable from the Pi to mini driver is plugged in. Also, try leaving the robot for a bit longer after boot. If you sit on the log page and refresh, you should hopefully see evidence of a connection with the mini driver. ~If the version numbers don't match then there will be a delay of about a minute or so as the correct firmware is automatically compiled and uploaded to the mini driver.

If after sitting on the log page for a while you still don't get notice of the Pi talking to the mini driver we can try some command line debugging. Hopefully we won't get to that though. :)

Also, while I think about it, does the red power LED come on on the mini driver? And does a blue LED flash as it powers on?



Statistics: Posted by Alan — Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:50 pm

2014-07-14T14:32:42+01:00 2014-07-14T14:32:42+01:00 http://forum.dawnrobotics.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1257&p=1357#p1357 <![CDATA[Re: HELP! Camera robot being very difficult!]]>
Tried waiting 3 minutes, but still no joy. Here is the log:

Main Log
DEBUG:tornado.general:sockjs.tornado will use json module
INFO:root:Starting web server...
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET / ( 91.46ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.joystick.js ( 106.69ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 8.69ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 8.39ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 7.92ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 10.77ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET / ( 9.39ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 7.84ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /logs.html ( 14.42ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 7.76ms

The batters I am using are brand new energizer AA batters connecting to the motors through the battery unit that comes with the bundle. I am using the TeckNet iEP387 Power Bank to power the Raspberry Pi. I have however tried to power it from the mains to make sure the problem was not down to a lack of power.
The wirless dongle I am using is the Edimax one that was recommended with the bundle.

Many thanks


Statistics: Posted by Madams — Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:32 pm
