I'm building an interface to connect Scratch to the py_websockets_bot library (I'll share it on GitHub once it's finished). One command I want to be able to send from scratch is a broadcast that says "robot camera on". This would:
1) Start the camera streaming, using bot.start_streaming_camera_images()
2) Open a VLC window that would connect to the http / MJPEG stream from the bot
My question is how to do the second, ie. what command line options for VLC would I use?
I want to do it this way instead of involving a web browser (the controlling client is another Pi). I'm happy to use an alternative to VLC if there is one, but I don't want it to be a web browser (the project is for a 6 year old).
Thanks for any advice.
SimonStatistics: Posted by SimonBirrell — Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:49 am