The issue is getting the motors to run in a straight line. I cannot seem to balance the motor speeds so that there is a match. Set a bias in one speed and it seems to correct it, next time it doesn't and an alternative adjustment is needed, there seems to be no reason for it. I've varied surfaces and even balanced the robot (using weights) to ensure there is no built in bias!
I wrote a simple test program, the basics of which are:-
# Connect to the robot
bot = py_websockets_bot.WebsocketsBot("")
# Stop
bot.set_motor_speeds(0.0, 0.0)
# Drive forwards
bot.set_motor_speeds(80.0, 80.0)
Run it the first time and it runs straight and true for 2.5 secs. Put it back to the start (without disturbing it too much)
Run the program again and it will swing to the right - everytime!
Turn all off and re-run and the same thing will happen, straight and then swing - every time!
I've ordered up some encoders as from what has been said it seems a must.
I've no idea, mind you, how to get the encoders working and into the code!
KevinStatistics: Posted by kevcook — Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:35 pm