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WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:23 pm
by derrywinnen

I have the kit and my own PI. I have managed to get the robot to use an internal wifi address so I can access it from my network. The camera works but the robot doesnt move. I think its an issue with the mini-driver but I am not sure. Here is my log output:

Main Log

DEBUG:tornado.general:sockjs.tornado will use json module
INFO:root:Starting web server...
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
INFO:root:Read 0X0 0.0
INFO:root:Expected 0XACED 0.38
INFO:root:Unable to connect to correct firmware, uploading...
INFO:root:No file copy needed
DEBUG:root:Building sketch in dir /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware
DEBUG:root:Trying to upload /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware/.build/atmega8/firmware.hex
DEBUG:root:uploadResult = 0
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
INFO:root:Read 0XACED 0.38
WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /logs.html ( 50.94ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /logs.html ( 3.90ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 95.48ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /js/jquery.js ( 353.28ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 18.86ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 3.44ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 2.66ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /js/jquery.js ( 9.92ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 9.20ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 3.55ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 4.67ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /logs.html ( 5.36ms
INFO:root:SockJS connection closed
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/sockjs-0.3.min.js ( 4.63ms
INFO:tornado.access:304 GET /js/jquery.js ( 4.63ms
INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /robot_control/info ( 3.76ms

Ino Build Log

Any help will be gratefully appreciated.

Re: WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:07 pm
by Alan
Hi there,

Welcome to the forums. :)

Did the robot ever move for you?

Looking at the logs I think that you can ignore that invalid checksum message. I think that it occurs periodically due to a small bug in our communication code, which I do need to check out at some point but it shouldn't stop the robot from working.

The important part of the log are the following lines

INFO:root:Read 0X0 0.0
INFO:root:Expected 0XACED 0.38
INFO:root:Unable to connect to correct firmware, uploading...
INFO:root:No file copy needed
DEBUG:root:Building sketch in dir /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware
DEBUG:root:Trying to upload /root/.ino_uploader/mini_driver_firmware/.build/atmega8/firmware.hex
DEBUG:root:uploadResult = 0
INFO:root:Read 0XACED 0.38

This shows that the Pi couldn't find the correct firmware on the mini driver, but then it built and uploaded the firmware, and was then able to get the correct firmware ID back from the mini driver. After the last line you should hopefully also see that there were no more invalid checksum messagess.

So, in theory the robot should have started moving at that point. How are you powering the robot. If you're using a USB powerbank, could you please check that the poswer switch on the mini driver is set to on? If it's not, it's still possible for the mini driver to get power from the Pi, but the motors won't move.



Re: WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:21 pm
by derrywinnen
Hi Alan

Yep using a USB powerbank but the robot never moves. The minidriver is powered on. when the unit starts up, the camera pans as if its orientating itself or running a self-test. but it then stops in a random position usually.
I cannot pan/tilt the camers and the robot itself does not move at all.
i get the camera stream on the browser but I guess thats to be expected as the camera is directly connected to the Pi.


Re: WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum

PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:07 pm
by Alan
Hi there,

First of all, many apologies for the fact that I haven't replied to the post you made on Tuesday. I saw it come in, but then we had a big rush on and it completely slipped my mind. :oops:

It sounds as if you might have a problem with your mini driver. Although it looks like communications are working ok.

Could you please try opening the Arduino IDE on the Raspberry Pi desktop and uploading the sketch that's given in this tutorial? This will test to see if the motors work on the mini driver, independently from the Raspberry Pi. If the motors do work then you can reflash the normal robot firmware just by rebooting the robot.

Apologies again for the delay in dealing with your support request and for any inconvenience caused.



Re: WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:50 pm
by derrywinnen
Hi Alan,
Apologies for taking so long in getting back to your reply! Your post about closing down prompted my son to put some pressure on me!

I have opened the IDE as suggested and loaded the sketch but nothing happens!

Is it possible to reflash the original firmware manually? (ie download an image and using mac to upload??)

Failing that I would be keen to get a replacement minidriver before you shut shop permanently.

{I am sorry to hear that this venture didn't work out but you should know that it has piqued an interest in my son about robots and the practicalities of developing their functionality. Before Dawn Robotics, he thought all robots were like R2D2!! We had great craic building ours. - Thank You for that and Well Done for trying something new and innovative}


Re: WARNING:root:Got message with invalid checksum

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:09 pm
by Alan
Hi John,

Looking back at my previous post, I'm not sure that I gave the link to the test sketch correctly. Did you upload the sketch here?

If you did upload the sketch, and the motors didn't start moving then it suggests that power is not getting through to the motors for some reason. Alongside checking the power switch on the mini driver, could you also please try powering the mini driver using AA batteries? You should find that a 4xAA battery holder and a 6xAA battery holder were included in the kit, either one should work for powering just the mini driver and motors, as long as the Pi is powered separately.

