Edimax dongle not running ?

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Edimax dongle not running ?

Postby jockinaus » Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:20 pm

Hi there

I recently purchased the Pi robot bundle,which is now assembled. I downloaded the disk image and mounted onto an SD.The pi boots up fine,but I am wondering if the wireless Edimax dongle is working.

First off it lights up and flashes away ,but when I go into WIFI config,it doesnt show the adapter ? Ive done an ifconfig,and it does mention wlan0 link encap ethernet ,and theres an inet and bcast address.

I have tried pinging the address from my pc but get nothing back.

Any ideas whats wrong here ?

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Re: Edimax dongle not running ?

Postby Alan » Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:55 pm

Hi Gary,

Welcome to the forum. :) Sorry for the delayed reply.

The Wifi dongle is working as an access point, so that may be the reason it's not showing up as you expect?

When you view nearby WiFi networks with a device such as a phone, do you see a network called Pi_Mini_Robot? Normally you'd connect to that network (password Raspberry with a capital R) and control the robot by navigating to its IP address with a webbrowser such as Chrome or Firefox.

If you'd like to make the robot connect to your router then you'll need to edit the file /etc/network/interfaces. You can open it by running

Code: Select all
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

and editing it to look something like this

Code: Select all
auto lo

iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp

allow-hotplug wlan0

iface wlan0 inet dhcp
   wpa-ssid "Router_SSID"
   wpa-psk "Router_Password"

You also need to disable the access point functionality. This can be done in a hacky way by running

Code: Select all
sudo nano /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

and changing the driver line to read

Code: Select all

Hope that helps and is what you were looking for. Apologies if I've misunderstood.


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Re: Edimax dongle not running ?

Postby jockinaus » Thu Sep 18, 2014 11:08 am

Aaaaah,got it,almost ! I seem to be having the same problem that another poster has mentioned here. the PI_MINI_ROBOT wifi shows up,I can connect easily enough.The connection remains solid until I try the access point controls load up on the browser,but then the connection drops out,the dongle stops flashing,and the wifi point no longer shows .

Where to next !!!

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Re: Edimax dongle not running ?

Postby jockinaus » Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:43 pm

Update.Its something to do with the motors. With one connected,I can make the bot spin round in circles,and the connection doesnt drop. With both motors connected,it goes for a few seconds,stops,and we lose wifi.
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Re: Edimax dongle not running ?

Postby Alan » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:09 am

Hi Gary,

Sorry for the delayed reply again. I've been very snowed under this week, but furture replies should hopefully be quicker.

It sounds to me like a power problem. How exactly are you powering your robot? Is it with AA batteries, and if so, what type of batteries are you using? i.e. rechargeable or non-rechargeable?


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Re: Edimax dongle not running ?

Postby jockinaus » Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:11 pm

Yep without question this is power. I bought a teknet power bank to run this. When the power is routing from teknet (2.1a outlet) to driver,then driver to pi via ubec,theres the problem. when you connect to the web servers page,and try to drive both wheels,it seems very sluggish and cuts out after a few seconds,the wifi drops out ( driver board stopped maybe ?). The pi still runs no problem Ive got it hooked into a monitor.

I tried running the power for the driver straight from mains ( usb power plug with the driver usb lead plugged in) and another mains usb supply to run the pi,cutting out the ubec altogether. after connecting to the web server and trying both wheels,it runs no problem ( holding the unit up and letting the wheels run ) no drop out and no sluggish power.

What do you reckon Paul ?
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Re: Edimax dongle not running ?

Postby jockinaus » Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:10 am

UPDATE - success ! Me not reading instructions properly. I had the ubec in amongst all that ,where running off powerbank. Power issues now fine .

but . . . .

controls are really retarded. Up/forward sends it into a spin,as does back/reverse. Left and right can get both wheels running to give you straight line driving but its very fiddly finding that sweet spot. I will automaticaly assume its me doing something wrong again !

Any pointers ?

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Re: Edimax dongle not running ?

Postby Alan » Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:18 pm

Hi Gary,

Ah yes, that mistake has been made before with the batteries. I've updated the instructions to try to make them clearer, and I think that the update may have been after you bought the kit.

Controls can definitely be a bit twitchy and take some time to get used to. No 2 DC motors will run at exactly the same speed when given the same voltage, and you can balance out the motors on your robot a bit by going to and playing with the 'Left Motor Speed Scale' setting on the motors tab. Also if you only move the movement joystick forward a small amount then you should find that the robot drives forward much more slowly, and this makes it a bit easier to control the robot.


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