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Disabling hostapd and connecting to a router

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:31 pm
by ajc
Hi folks,

I'm using the Dawn Robotics SD image (everything is working great) and currently connecting using the hostapd service. I'd like to turn off the hostapd service so I can connect the robot to a router.

I found a few posts on the forum which explained how to disable hostapd (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1353) and setting up /etc/network/interfaces to connect to my router (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1343), however was still unable to connect. Interestingly, if I jump into the desktop on the Pi and try and scan for hotspots, the following message is displayed:

Could not get status from wpa_supplicant

I suspect something may still be preventing the wifi scanning for networks?

Could I double check the steps I need to take to disable hostapd and connect to a wireless router? Alternatively, if I just stick another Edimax into the Pi, would one be able to function as hostapd and the other connect to wifi?

For anyone interested, I came across this script that checks to see if there's a known wireless network nearby, and if not startup hostapd - which sounds like a nice solution: ... goes-down/

Thanks! :)

Re: Disabling hostapd and connecting to a router

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:31 pm
by Alan
Hi there,

Welcome to the forums. :) Apologies for the delayed reply.

The posts you've linked to should disable hostapd and so allow you to connect to a router.

Could you please run the following commands to check that the hostapd and dhcp services are indeed stopped?

sudo service hostapd status
sudo service isc-dhcp-server status

Also, could you please post the contents of your etc/network/interfaces file so that I can check to see if there's anything odd?



Re: Disabling hostapd and connecting to a router

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:53 pm
by ajc
Hi Alan, sorry for the late reply. Just wanted to let you know I managed to get it all sorted by modifying my wpa_supplicant file with the wireless networks I needed to connect to. Many thanks for your help :)

On a random question (though this may be better as a separate topic), if I wanted to upgrade to the Dagu magician 4WD chassis ( ... t-chassis/), do I need to worry about drawing extra power for the motors, or can I continue using the existing chassis bundle kit (using the recommended USB power block)? I ask because my omniwheel seems to be getting stuck and 4 wheels sound like a nice solution.

Many thanks - really enjoying the project. :)

Re: Disabling hostapd and connecting to a router

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:31 pm
by Alan
Hi there,

Glad to hear that you're up and running.

The few times that I've tried the kit with the 4WD chassis, it has worked well. When running from the USB powerbank, I did need to power the mini driver and motors from the 2.1A port though.

