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Rover 5 Ultrasonic sensor

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:05 pm
by Mark
I have just assembled my rover 5 and I am trying to use the wall follower programme. The mobility of the robot is OK and the ir sensors seem to be working but the ultrasonic sensor does not seem to work. The rover does not follow a wall. I am starting the rover facing the wall and the pan tilt assembly does move to begin with

Re: Rover 5 Ultrasonic sensor

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:55 am
by Alan
Hi Mark,

Welcome to the forums. :)

Sorry to hear you're having problems with your Rover 5 kit. On the main product page for the kit there's a link to a zip file which contains 5 example programs showing how to use the different parts of the robot kit.

Could you please try downloading the zip file and running the ultrasonic sample? When you run it and then look at the serial output from the robot you should see it returning the measured distance.

