Raising the bar of great documentation
The importance of the README.md file in open-source software has been well known for years. But what happens when you go beyond software and begin to document your hardware, your community, and your business model too?
In this talk at LCA 2019, Rory Aronson tells the story of how FarmBot Inc is raising the bar of what it means to have great documentation, and how it can empower people to develop software, build hardware, make communities, and start businesses. Watch below:
linux.conf.au is a conference about the GNU/Linux operating system, and all aspects of the thriving ecosystem of Free and Open Source Software that has grown up around it. Run since 1999, in a different Australian or New Zealand city each year, by a team of local volunteers, LCA invites more than 500 people to learn from the people who shape the future of Open Source.
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