
August 10, 2017 Software Update

Hi all, Since the big v5.0.0 announcement a few days ago we've gotten a few fixes and features out the door: There was a bug with sub-sequence execution, when the parent sequence simply stopped when it got to an Execute command. This has...

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v5.0.0 Software Update

Hi FarmBot Community, Today we released a version 5.0.0 of the FarmBot software stack! We focused the last six weeks of development on stability, under-the-hood changes, and a grab bag of new features that make using the web app quicker....

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Using FarmBot as an Accessibility Technology

Thrive Upstate is a non-profit in Greenville, South Carolina that provides people with disabilities and special needs with meaningful services, opportunities, and support, so they may thrive in life, work and play. See how they are using FarmBot as an accessibility technology for...

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FarmBot Genesis v1.3 Update

Hey FarmBot community! Over the past few months we've had our heads down working on the next batch of 250 FarmBot Genesis v1.3 kits. There's a long list of improvements we've made since v1.2, and here are the two biggest: Farmduino Our...

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v4.0.0 Software Update

Hi FarmBot community, I'm happy to share that we just released v4.0.0 of FarmBot OS and deployed the last 2 month's worth of web app progress to! Here is an overview of what's new: Import Plant Coordinates into Move Absolute Commands Move...

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FarmBot Stories: The Sudweeks Family

Garrett and Lexie Sudweeks are first generation FarmBot builders in Cedar City, Utah in the United States. Watch them put together their v1.2 FarmBot Genesis kit and hear what it means to them to grow their own food and be...

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FarmBot Genesis v1.2 Videos

We just uploaded nearly 30 new videos to our Youtube channel that discuss our v1.2 FarmBot kits. In this series you can see a complete unboxing as well as closeups and detailed descriptions of every part in the kit. Check...

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April 25, 2017 Software Update

Tuesday afternoon we deployed updates to the FarmBot web API, frontend, FarmBot OS, and the Arduino firmware. Here is an overview of the specific changes, bug fixes, and improvements throughout the software stack. Improved Rotary Encoder Support The latest firmware...

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Our Premium Hardware

We’ve gone through great lengths to design, manufacture, and source only the highest quality components for our kits. During the last few weeks we took photos of all our hardware so that our Bill of Materials and other webpages accurately...

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Welcome to the FarmBot Warehouse

FarmBot supporters and customers, check out this short video to get an inside look at our warehouse and see what it takes to do the final packaging of the v1.2 FarmBot Genesis kits! Shipping update All domestic orders have been shipped to those who...

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