iPhone Battery Charger v1.1

by mozzwald.

2 layer board of 1.86x1.41 inches (47.14x35.71 mm).
Shared on January 27th, 2016 01:09.

iPhone Battery Charger breakout using MCP73831

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HQB15 v2

by HQ.

2 layer board of 0.62x0.62 inches (15.62x15.62 mm).
Shared on January 26th, 2016 21:31.

1AA/2AA boost driver / v2.06 / 15.6mm


this board is provided as is and untested

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Raspi NRF24L01 header

by tlustoch.

2 layer board of 0.60x0.90 inches (15.27x22.89 mm).
Shared on January 26th, 2016 10:17.

Raspberry Pi NRF24L01 header (incl. 5V to 3V3 voltage regulator and additional SPI header)


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VESC 4.10

by sphereinabox.

4 layer board of 1.52x2.57 inches (38.66x65.15 mm).
Shared on January 26th, 2016 06:35.

Missing non-plated holes for USB connector. Trim the plastic pins off the bottom of the connector with a knife.

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by ryankurte.

2 layer board of 1.23x1.34 inches (31.22x33.96 mm).
Shared on January 26th, 2016 05:53.

Breakout for Silabs BGM111 BLE module.
Check out https://git.io/vloxw for more information.

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