
by jaw.

4 layer board of 1.38x1.38 inches (35.00x35.00 mm).
Shared on October 3rd, 2015 15:37.

low-power stm32 data-logger, dev-board, etc.

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Copy this HTML into your page to embed a link to order this shared project Arduino compatible shield for the Nordicsemi nRF5x DK boards

by daviddedwin.

2 layer board of 3.01x2.11 inches (76.35x53.47 mm).
Shared on October 3rd, 2015 13:25.

This is a shield to mount the (formerly boards i.e. Core/Photon and Electron, on the nRF5x DK BTLE (Bluetooth) boards. This shield supports the nRF51-DK and the nRF52-DK boards.


When using the nRF51-DK, the shield requires that the solder bridge SB17 be bridged.

The P1 header on the shield needs to be in either reset position so a jumper is required. The “common reset” position ties the reset lines of the board and the nRF. This position does not allow the nRF to be flashed. The “reset/Program” position ties the D2 of the board to the Reset of the nRF. This position allows the nRF to be flashed.

See the website and the Nordic Semiconductor website for details of the boards used.

Parts required by the shield

  1. Shield stacking headers
  2. Headers for the Particle module
  3. Header for Reset Selection. (Can use a solder line to do the selection)
  4. Jumper for the Reset Selection. (Not needed if you used a solder line)
  5. 18K Resistor for nRF_RESET pullup (optional)


  1. The Central ICSP header is not required and was not used during testing.
  2. Not tested with the nRF52-DK board

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by wyojustin.

4 layer board of 2.19x1.04 inches (55.63x26.31 mm).
Shared on October 3rd, 2015 12:47.

Wireless Board Designed by Flutter

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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by PeskyProducts.

4 layer board of 0.71x0.31 inches (17.91x7.75 mm).
Shared on October 3rd, 2015 07:15.

ST Microelectronic’s M41T62 ultra-low-power real time clock coupled with Bosch’s BME280 pressure, humidity, and temperature sensor and ST’s M2402DRC 2Mbit EEPROM in an appallingly small add-on board for Teensy 3.1. Power is supplied via digital write to general GPIO pins since the total power requirement never exceeds 2 mA. Communication is via I2C and there are 4K7 pullup resistors on board. The 512 Hz square-wave output allows the Teensy 3.1 microcontroller to make periodic calibration updates to the RTC calibration register so the clock is continuously compensated for maximum (~2 ppm or 1 minute a year) accuracy. The Taiyo Yuden PAS3225 2.6V 14 mF super capacitor and 1N4148 diode provide power to the RTC time keeper even when disconnected from the microcontroller. The PAS3225 5 microAhour super cap can run the RTC (which needs ~330 nA at 2.6 V) for about 18 hours. The board is now a tiny weather logging station: pressure, temperature, and humidity can be logged once per minute for 15 days! Went back to standard 1N4148 diode.

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by PeskyProducts.

4 layer board of 0.71x0.51 inches (17.91x12.83 mm).
Shared on October 3rd, 2015 05:19.

Breakout board to test magnetometer performance. Magnetometers include Honeywell’s HMC5883, Asahi Kasei’s AK8963C, and ST Microelectronics' LIS3MDL. Board allows comparative test of basic performance and test of effects of different mag data on EM7180 sensor fusion using the MPU6500 accel/gyro. Fixed LIS3MDL package error.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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