OSH Park
Shared projects
644p/1284p pro-style board with MOSFET driver v1.0a
by takigama.
layer board of
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January 23rd, 2015 02:38.
Simple pro-like board for the 644/1284p atmel chip, 8 analog lines (with 2 going to measure the input voltage and 3.3v lines respectively), I2C, SPI + 4 general digital and 4 pwm lines (1 going to MOSFET chip). MOSFET is a IRF540N.
Board will soon have a page describing its layout and components as well as code (i hope) once i get a working prototype
v1.0a changes from the initial:
Moved some text around to avoid holes
Added my moniker to the back.
Board Arrived and has been tested, works with some base code from the mighty 1284, modified to match my own pin naming.
Note that the TX/RX lines for serial are actually the wrong way around…
Toast-R-Reflow, Controller & LCD backpack (84)
by nsayer.
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January 22nd, 2015 23:06.
This is the Toast-R-Reflow controller “backpack.” It mounts on the back of a 80x36mm 2x16 LCD display.
This variant has an ATTiny84 and an AD8495 analog thermocouple amplifier. It’s cheaper than the model II controller, but the flash is full, so there’s no room for more features.
Toast-R-Reflow, Controller & LCD backpack II
by nsayer.
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January 22nd, 2015 23:05.
This is the Toast-R-Reflow controller “backpack.” It mounts on the back of a 80x36mm 2x16 LCD display.
This variant uses an ATMega328P controller and a MAX31855 thermocouple amplifier. It’s more expensive than the model I controller, but there’s lots of room for more features in the flash, it has connections for 3 buttons instead of just 1 and an FTDI serial port. Also, the MAX31855 has a much wider temperature range while having higher resolution.
BTS 555 not tested
by DerKlotz.
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January 22nd, 2015 21:49.
R1+R3=1K, R2=2K, C1-C3=100nF, IC1=BTS555, D1=Zener Diode Sot-80C 3.3V, IS=Current Measuring, On=Switch