Carloop R3.1

by jvanier.

2 layer board of 2.30x1.26 inches (58.42x32.00 mm).
Shared on February 24th, 2016 19:09.

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Carloop R2.1

by jvanier.

2 layer board of 1.25x1.49 inches (31.78x37.85 mm).
Shared on February 24th, 2016 19:09.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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esp8266 dht22 board

by totof.

2 layer board of 0.59x1.00 inches (14.94x25.40 mm).
Shared on February 24th, 2016 16:33.

board with usb for power the esp-01 and a DHT22

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Part Value Device Package Description

C1 0.1uf CAP0805 0805 Capacitor
C2 10 nF CAP0805 0805 Capacitor
C3 2.2 uF CAP0805 0805 Capacitor
R1 10 k RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 Resistor
U$1 ESP01 ESP01 ESP01 ESP8266 Wifi module 01
U2 TPS73633 V_REG_LDOSMD SOT23-5 Voltage Regulator LDO

Thanks to Dani Eichhorn for is work

This is is blog

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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Ethernet/SDCard/USB/12V PCB

by westlicht.

2 layer board of 5.31x1.51 inches (134.77x38.25 mm).
Shared on February 24th, 2016 12:24.

See GitHub for more information!

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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by epccs.

2 layer board of 3.40x2.10 inches (86.39x53.37 mm).
Shared on February 24th, 2016 04:43.


Solar Powered 328P[B] Programmed with Arduino


Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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