Joint No. Assignment ==================== The distinction between left and right is defined as seen from the PLEN's back. Rotation axis is expressed by an arrow-shaped and this is subject to [the right-hand rule]( "**・**" symbol means a vector from back to front. (as if this crosses your screen vertically.) "**×**" symbol means a negative vector of a vector described previously. (See also : [Frame of Reference of a Servo Motor]( (This is only available for just after PLEN was starting. If you rotated any parent joint, also child joints are rotating.) {{ specifications/PLEN_body.png?350 | PLEN Body }} |No.|Name |Index (Old)|Index (New)|Rotation axis| |:-:|:-------------------|:---------:|:---------:|:-----------:| |1 |Left Shoulder Pitch |18 |0 |← | |2 |Left Thigh Yaw |12 |1 |↑ | |3 |Left Shoulder Roll |19 |2 |× | |4 |Left Elbow Roll |21 |3 |・ | |5 |Left Thigh Roll |13 |4 |× | |6 |Left Thigh Pitch |14 |5 |← | |7 |Left Knee Pitch |15 |6 |← | |8 |Left Foot Pitch |17 |7 |→ | |9 |Left Foot Roll |16 |8 |・ | |10 |Right Shoulder Pitch|6 |12 |→ | |11 |Right Thigh Yaw |0 |13 |↑ | |12 |Right Shoulder Roll |7 |14 |× | |13 |Right Elbow Roll |9 |15 |・ | |14 |Right Thigh Roll |1 |16 |× | |15 |Right Thigh Pitch |2 |17 |→ | |16 |Right Knee Pitch |3 |18 |→ | |17 |Right Foot Pitch |5 |19 |← | |18 |Right Foot Roll |4 |20 |・ |