Comments on: Christmas updates drawing by robot Mon, 14 May 2018 00:33:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: sandy Mon, 26 Dec 2011 12:12:58 +0000 You were best to ignore my advice I think – I noticed that the bead pitch of the new was slightly different to the old cord so I _was_ looking for a new, lower value. But when I re-measured I just did it wrong, and didn’t think twice about why it was so different. I am very susceptible to off-by-one errors it seems! The straight lines still aren’t completely straight, especially at some angles, so aren’t up to what you’ll need for plans and things, but I think I’ll get it fixed eventually – it’s a float/integer rounding thing, so I hope just needs a slightly reformulated algorithm.

By: kongorilla Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:39:39 +0000 *Grinning*

Yesterday I was wondering if vector line art would ever be possible with a polargraph, and now news that it’s in the works! I was thinking it would be fun to print out pieces for large papercraft sculptures that my “normal” (wee) printer couldn’t handle. Improved straight line printing would help with that, too.

Since I self-sourced my roller blind cord, I measured it carefully, and got 95mm over and over and wondered where I was going wrong, then just entered “95” and hoped it would work. Guess I should’ve mentioned it earlier.
