Comments on: No more polargraph machines! drawing by robot Mon, 14 May 2018 00:33:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: sandy Mon, 19 Dec 2011 23:42:51 +0000 You’re probably pretty safe – any arduino compatible that has an ATMEGA328 chip (which is all of the new ones – old ones have ATMEGA168 chips) will load and run this code fine – they all work the same way and have the same pinouts. The motorshield will work with any full-size Arduino-compatible. It will also work with the Arduino MEGA, but only with some extra wiring.

My reason for using the seeeduinos for the kits was that they were cheap, and good quality. Of course I forgot that they have an unusual power input socket, so I had to spend money on getting a special connector to let them be plugged in anyway, but it’s the thought that counts, right? 🙂

By: Reggie A. Mon, 19 Dec 2011 19:44:07 +0000 Okay thanks. My main concern is with the actual coding itself. This is my first venture into the Arduino world so I wasn’t too sure on how that would fly with the code itself.

By: sandy Mon, 19 Dec 2011 17:46:18 +0000 Hey Reggie, don’t despair! This page ( of the instructable has a bill of materials, and the names of the places where I got mine. If you’re looking for sprockets and cords, I can give you 2x sprockets and 4m cord for £10 + postage. Not quite sure how much that’d be (depends where you are), but between £2 and £6.

Of course you can 3d print your parts ( or use this schema ( which is pretty fly.

You don’t need many fancy bits though to be honest, my first one was just sewing bobbins hot-glued to motors, with a bulldog clip and a clear CD blu-tacked together to make a gondola. It’s so simple that there’s not much to not work, if you see what I mean! Leave a message on the forum if you want to investigate. Cheers!

By: Reggie A. Mon, 19 Dec 2011 04:17:42 +0000 Just when I thought I had found the best thing ever….. haha…. I do have a question then, with the new Arduino Uno and you no longer selling kits is there any good place for a novice to begin attempting my own polargraph. I just recently began a substantial amount of coding/robotics education at the U and would love to take on one of my own (and to fulfill some of my artsy endeavors as well).

