Comments on: Scribble and scale drawing by robot Mon, 14 May 2018 00:33:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Noulan Mon, 06 Aug 2012 08:28:41 +0000 What I find interesting is the vabiarle way in which the “pixels” could be arranged with mosaic tiles whereas our primitive computers are stuck with a fairly limiting X – Y axis arrangement of pixels all arranged perpendicular to these axes. The mosaic artists were seemingly combining some a simple vector- as well as raster-based approach, giving them far more flexibility than a simple grid pattern would allow. I noticed how smooth the jaw lines were in the mosaic tiles and how the computer version leaves a lot to be desired.

By: Rex Sun, 05 Aug 2012 23:44:15 +0000 In the early 90s I saw an article in the good old National Geographic about ciaocne. There was a closeup of a police bulletin board showing photos of various smugglers who got caught with bundles taped to their bodies, with their faces pixelated. For some reason the pixels were interesting, even though at the time computers weren’t.Anyway, I did a few of those images for practice, then tried a few of my own on non-pixelated photos. I found that each pixel contains the mix of all the colors in the pixel. It was interesting, but after 6-7 paintings it was time to try something else.Fun while it lasted, though, and they all sold!

By: sandy Thu, 28 Jun 2012 21:15:31 +0000 Good work Kong!

By: kongorilla Mon, 25 Jun 2012 19:31:39 +0000 Thanks, Sandy!

I was surprised to see that Tor made the MAKE Flickr Pool Weekly Roundup, too:

I’ve always said you can’t go wrong with Tor Johnson, Bettie Page, or Marilyn Monroe. Hmmmm…
All three together!
*starts to set up polargraph*
