====== Get started in Arduino ====== ===== Requirements ===== * [[:downloads|CH340G]] driver(for [[products:d1:d1|D1]]/[[products:d1:d1_mini|D1 mini]]/[[products:d1:d1_mini_lite|D1 mini Lite]]) * [[https://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/Pages/USBtoUARTBridgeVCPDrivers.aspx|CP2104]] driver(for [[products:d1:d1_mini_pro|D1 mini Pro]]) * Python 2.7 ===== Install Arduino ===== Install Arduino IDE from the [[https://www.arduino.cc/|Arduino website]]. ===== Installing Hardware package ===== There are two ways to install Hardware package. It is recommended to use git version. ==== Using git version ==== * Clone repository into [[tutorials:tips:sketchbook_directory|Sketchbook_directory]]/hardware/esp8266com/esp8266 directory (or clone it elsewhere and create a symlink), you may need to create the hardware directory if it does not exist. * cd hardware mkdir esp8266com cd esp8266com git clone https://github.com/wemos/Arduino_D1.git esp8266 * You should end up with the following directory structure: * ─┬ Arduino └─┬ hardware └─┬ esp8266com └─┬ esp8266 ├── bootloaders ├── cores ├── doc ├── libraries ├── package ├── tests ├── tools ├── variants ├── platform.txt ├── programmers.txt ├── README.md ├── boards.txt ├── LICENSE * Download binary tools(You need Python 2.7) * cd esp8266/tools python get.py * Restart the Arduino IDE ==== Using Boards Manager ==== * Start Arduino and open Preferences window. * Enter into Additional Board Manager URLs field. You can add multiple URLs, separating them with commas. * Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board menu and install esp8266 platform. ===== Configure Board ===== After install hardware package, you will see WEMOS boards in the Tools→Board:xxx Choose your right board. ===== Video Tutorial=====