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Sorry, didn't know about that. I have not try, because I made my own, not very good solution with listening the shutter gpio and stopping the whole process using shell script. Now cycle is working very good! thanks a lot!
You are right it is mistake on my side, few people using direct control and syscalls, so It not reported before. Will push fix with the next version.
Hi, Shahin! It would be great if you fix it, it will solve a lot of problems. Thanks!
Hello! I am using direct control board with some extensions. I want to use vat tilting after layer curing, but before platform lifting. I use DC actuator motor with L298 driver and shell script to write the needed gpio.
pigs p 6 0
pigs p 5 255
sleep 2
pigs p 5 0
pigs p 0 80
sleep 5
I am calling this scripts in print profile before and after each layer, it is ok, but vat is tilting after the platform is lifted, and there is no sense in this. Please help. is there any possibility to do vat tilting with direct control? Thanks
Hello! I am using direct control board, and trying to make physical buttons for moving z axis. May be, it is possible to do it now? I think is convenient to use this button before and after printing, while directly in front of the printer.
I am not sure, but i think, it is not patented. If B9 uses this freely, i think, anyone can do the same. And the simple mask method seems to be patented by envisiontec.
I have not heard any projector could not cure the resin because of weak output, usually more cure time will solve the issue
Yes this is the problem when small weak projectors or lage build areas are used, light is weak and every lumen is important. For exapmle, i have problems myself with curing MJ WaxCast and Envisontec pic100 on large build area.
I mean there are lots of different projector types with different light outputs, maybe cure time and amount of light correlation is not linear
I think more correct to speak about the effect on curing than the amount of light and i think there is no exact linear correlation neither in time based method nor in usual method. It is very individual for every projector and every resin. In time based method you need to choose "light off" speed experimentally using a calibration patterns.
Like i said, b9creator uses only time based method: … rOfnV3sdRg
They dont have mask file, they have a lot of parameters, and a software generate mask automaticaly, using this parameters.
But i think it is good to have opportunity to choose method, that you want to use.
Yes it is right.
For example mask file:
curing of layer looks li this:
Hello, it will be very usefull to make a support of time based mask, not to lose the power the projector when working with slow polymers. B9Creater uses something similiar to this Some parts of the table are cured more time than the others, depending on depth of the corresponding pixels in mask file. The Mask file for time based method file can be the same as usual.
Conversely, for some very reactive polymers it's necessary to reduce the power of light. And it can be done by using gray color instead of white(decreasing the depth of the pixel from 255 to 120 for example).
Sorry for english, not my native.
And one more question. Does SCL2PNG use xyz anti-aliasing or xy only?
Hi, Shahin! Does SLC2PNG use the same anti-aliasing algorithm as NanoDLP? Is it posible to do the right anti-aliasing from pixel data(png) or we need vector(or 3d model) to do it? Thanks!
Pages: 1