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Yeah, having the z-stop right at the surface of the liquid would probably be simpler programming-wise, but functionally, I want to be able to raise the build tray out of the liquid to remove the print. And of course, the tray has to be able to move down into the liquid during printing. So I need to have the build surface between the z-max and the z-min, which doesn't have to be defined. And I'm planning to adjust the resin level manually.
I'm just trying to figure out what to plug into the NanoDLP setup. A tutorial would be helpful.
My RPi is talking to RAMPS 1.4 running Marlin, and NanoDLP is working. The motor moves the z-axis correctly. But I'm having trouble getting my Z-stop setup and recognized, and getting the servo that runs the shutter to work.
The z-stop is set for the bottom limit of the z-axis, and the top of the resin will be 70-75mm higher. I'm trying to figure out how to set it up so that I can allow it to find the lower Z limit, and then move up 70-75mm to where the surface of the resin will be.
And for the servo, I'm trying to find some sort of tutorial that runs through the basics of what Gcode goes where, and where the servo plugs in.
I've checked the messages here, but can't find the right info. Even if you just have a link to a video or tutorial, that would be really helpful. This build is so close to working.
Good point. One of the tutorials I had been following used GRBL, but I also had Marlin on hand. I installed it, and it seems to be working, apart from the Z-stop and the shutter servo.
So, on to the next question. Thanks.
Pretty basic printer setup. RPi 2b, running NanoDLP, connected to RAMPS 1.4/Mega2560 via USB running grbl.
I can access NanoDLP on the network, and I've got the right USB port, so that the RPi doesn't give me an error message on the main page. All that seems to work.
But nothing connected to the RAMPS will move. And when I open the terminal, and type $ or $$, I should get some feedback from grbl. I get nothing.
Any suggestions?
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