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I decided to use a Arduino because I want to add another stepper motor later. By using the pins on the Raspi3 you can only run 1 stepper?
When I open the terminal I see the message: Grbl 0.9j ('$' for help).
As soon as I type in $ i don't get any response. My Arduino setup with Grbl is working correctly when I plug it directly in my laptop by USB.
Hello all,
I’m new to Nanodlp and I want to build my own dlp or lcd printer.
Before doing that i first build this test setup to learn a bit more about the Nanodlp software.
I used the next components:
- Raspberry PI3
- Arduino Uno
- Easydriver
- Nema17 stepper motor
Is it possible to use the Arduino only with an easydriver? or should I use an Ramps board?
The problem is that I don’t get any response when i send G-codes in the nanodlp terminal (Grbl works when I connect the Arduino directly to the computer).
I also selected the right USB/SERIAL port path, so this should be oke.
I restarted and rewired all the parts multiple times but it’s still not working.
Can someone tell me if it will work with this setup? and wat the best alternative will be.
Hello All,
Im new on this forum and to NanoDLP.
Does anybody from you know where I can find build projects where rpi and nanodlp where used?
Im planning to build my own DLP printer using NanoDLP but i would like to learn a bit more from other projects before i start. My background is more in mechanics than software/controls.
- Marijn
Pages: 1