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Pages: 1
Eaven if you take a size of your frame size with a paper some time different resin have a diferent shrinkage it will be very dificult to find the perfect size between your drawing and the part that you are printed for many reason ( minor errors with mesuring , resin shrinkage , a minimal light bleeding can cause a minimal difference in size) so you should have a calibration rectangle for example you print a rectangle (40×20 mm) for 10 or 20 layer and you compaire size of the print with your original drawing size and in the calibration option you will adjust the xy resolution from the built platform size . Creation workshop have this option and it is verry important .
Shahin you should add with diferent curing time differentz speed .
Because on the first layers vacum force is big and layer after layer this force is reduced if you can add a 4 or 5 different z speed it will be great.
Pages: 1