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#1 Re: Help and Support » Manual control questions » 2017-12-06 05:08:31

Hey Mattasmack - re the manual movement gcode field - what did you end up using there? It's certainly a frustrating issue with the position not updating when zeroing out at bottom/top with an endstop!

#2 Re: Help and Support » 32bit ARM version - display » 2017-12-04 22:03:00

I shelved it - and ordered an RPi, wasn't worth the frustration in the end - just keen to get on with printing smile

#3 Re: Everything else » NanoDLP on RaspberryPi Zero W? » 2017-11-14 21:18:49

On the dashboard the CPU goes up to about 150% and sits there during slicing, but Memory usually just sits low at around 10-15%...

Silly question but why doesn't the zero try to continue slicing if you start a print as it does with the 3? Shouldn't it still do it, just very slowly?

#4 Re: Everything else » NanoDLP on RaspberryPi Zero W? » 2017-11-14 05:31:20

The zero can slice well enough, even though it is slow.

The speed wouldn't matter so much if you could start the print during processing like you can with the beefier Pi 3 - but this just stops the processing when you do it with the Pi Zero. So eventually it gets to the last layer processed before you hit start print, and it gets stuck suppressing logs.

#5 Re: Bug Reports » crash build 1674 » 2017-11-07 23:47:09

Isn't 1693 the latest stable build?

#6 Re: Bug Reports » crash build 1674 » 2017-11-07 04:59:04

Getting these same errors (panic: runtime error: index out of range) on build 1693 with the following mode at 100um:

It kills NanoDLP, and everytime I reboot it, it picks up the slicing again so only way to stop it was to quickly browse through to plates, and delete model before it started slicing it again.

#7 Re: Help and Support » 32bit ARM version - display » 2017-10-18 11:01:01

Thanks, I'll take a look - yes, running from command line in Armbian without desktop environment.

#8 Help and Support » 32bit ARM version - display » 2017-10-18 01:35:41

Replies: 4


Does anyone have much experience setting up NanoDLP on an ARM board like Orange Pi or Banana Pi using the portable ARM version.

I've got it all running fine, but doesn't exit console and turn screen (which ever screen I use) blank as with set up like RPi. Every command given via the interface is just listed in the console.

#9 Help and Support » LCD driver mounted on RPi GPIO » 2017-08-28 06:36:15

Replies: 0


I've been trying to get a new LCD working on my printer, but can't get nanodlp to pick it up and display anything.

It has a driver board that mounts directly to the RPi's GPIO pins as below.


I have set all the right configs in config.txt, but figure it has something to do with the Display Communication Settings in NanoDLP itself.

When an LCD is mounted in such a way, which setting is chosen if is not connected via USB/Serial or HDMI?

I know the display works, as I ordered two, and left the backing on one and ran it with Raspian and got output.

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