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@Shahin: not quite shure how to interpret your question
@Shahin: Thanks! Really appreciated. ...but downloaded and tested it today and it either doesn't work for me or at least not as I expected:
When I go to "Z Axis Control" and press "Calibrate Zero Position" the motor starts, but doesn't stop when the bottom endstop switch is triggered.
Same with "Measure Z-Axis length"
Thats good news! Thanks!
There is no control board firmware as I indent to use raspi GPIO's
Hi there,
nanodlp seems to be expect the endstop positioned at the top of the z-axis, which basically considers it as an max-endstop.
Is there a way to configure nanodlp in a way so that the z-endstop can be mounted at the bottom as kind of min-endstop instead?
This seams to make more sense to me, as it's more critical to crash the z-axis into the display but driving it to the upper limit.
Also wiring of the endstop switch at the bottom is more easy than at the top.
Maybe I missed an importand argument or it's already configurable in the mentioned way.
Any tipps and arguments are welcome
in your case I think the only solution is to put a led directly on the RPI that goes out when the system has stopped
Sorry, I really have a problem with that behaviour.
I made an Feature Request to the nanodlp team.
You can support it, make additional proposals. But its not ok to turn it in a complete different direction and as I asume that you are not a member of the nanodlp team it's also not ok to answer for the team.
Support the request in the way it was originally addressed or make your own request and let the nanodlp team reply on this one
Of course I was originally talking about Matrix-LCD display on I2C and still request it for that type of display.@
MaxJewels captured the request and bend it towards his direction.
I have no problem if the feature will be implemented for both display types.
Whatever the last message on the I2C-Display was right before initiation of shutdon, will obvisously remain until shutdown has completed and gives no indication about shutdown status.
As SD-card image can possibly become damaged when power is cut off without proper shutdown, it would by great to have some indication about finshed shutdown procedure.
Pages: 1