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Docs and default console messages don't tell you where generated .js files end up #17

ageitgey opened this Issue · 0 comments

1 participant


Maybe I'm just really dumb, but it took me longer than I'd like to admit to figure out where the generated .js output is placed. :)

I tried to run a simple test script like the docs say and the only output is "Ready":

$ transcrypt -b

Transcrypt (TM) Python to JavaScript Small Sane Subset Transpiler Version 3.5.132
Copyright (C) Geatec Engineering. License: Apache 2.0


I wasn't sure if that meant something was generated or if it maybe meant that it didn't generate anything because I used the wrong command. I looked in the current folder for a new test.js file, but I didn't find anything. So I tried various command line options but just got the same cryptic message.

Thinking I must be missing something obvious, I searched through the docs, but I couldn't find (either on the website or the project README) any actual examples of running the transcript tool on the command line.

It wasn't until I tried transcrypt -bv that I actually saw all the output was created in a /__javascript__ sub-folder! This was frustrating because I just wanted to try out your great app and couldn't find the output :)

Would you consider adding "Saving result in: /javascript/test.js" as part of the non-verbose default command output? Or if not that, maybe making it more clear in the docs where the output is placed?

I apologize if this is already mentioned somewhere in the docs, but I didn't see it when skimming through the various pages and forum posts. I know this sounds like a dumb user problem, but I'm guessing other new users will run into the same confusion.


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