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Fire up your PHP Apps Performance

Blackfire empowers your developers and IT/Ops teams to continuously verify and improve your app’s performance, throughout its lifecycle, by getting you the right information at the right moment.


Performance Testing

With Blackfire you can test every Pull Request against custom scenarios and performance metrics, and get a commit status sent back to GitHub for immediate feedback. Using our PHP SDK, you can add performance assertions directly to your unit tests. Review test reports and drill-down to the root cause of failed tests.

build report

commit status

Performance Profiling

Blackfire allows you to gather detailed performance metrics from your code's execution, and visualize it in interactive call graphs. This allows you to find bottlenecks in the blink of an eye and check the impact of your changes by comparing iterations in development, staging and production servers.



Performance Management Automation

Using Blackfire you can integrate performance management seamlessly in your existing workflows and tools. This allows you to continuously improve your app's performance through automate testing, in all environments.


Improving application performance together

Manage workspaces and invite collaborators to share profiling and test results.

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