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Code Climate

The open static analysis platform for automated code review

Code Climate is the open, extensible platform for static analysis that helps enforce your code quality standards on every commit. We analyze every Pull Request to provide you with clear, actionable feedback about issues affecting the health of your code, so that you can merge with confidence.

Immediate feedback, right in your Pull Requests

Our Pull Request integration automatically scans your PRs for issues of style, complexity, duplication, security and more. After you open a PR, we update its status in GitHub with a pass/fail status, summary of what changed, and a link back to our complete analysis. You can even set it as a required status check to ensure that only PRs meeting your organization’s standards are merged in protected branches.


Raise the visibility of code quality

Code Climate quantifies the issues in your code, summarizes the changes, and gives you the data you need to demonstrate the importance of code quality.


Integrates directly into your workflow

Our Issues integration enables you to turn issues flagged in Code Climate into GitHub Issues in just one click. Simply mouse over any issue listing and click the "ticket" icon.


Get faster feedback with the Code Climate CLI

Our command line interface (CLI) makes it simple to run static analysis on your laptop, reducing the feedback loop during the development process by providing results before you push.

Track progress over time

Observe the impact you’re having on your codebase. We track changes in quality over time, helping you correlate them with external factors, identify trends, and turn previously “point in time” analysis into a living, changing metric.


Open and extensible

Our open specification lets you take advantage of the best static analysis tooling whether it’s custom made or open source, so that your analysis is perfectly customized for your organization’s needs.

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