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Helps developers across the world connect and collaborate

Gitter provides public and private messaging for organisations and repositories on GitHub.

Great for communities

With nearly 200,000 developers in over 30,000 public chat rooms, you're bound to find something to talk about, be it an open source project, a language community or just a meetup for sushi.

Perfect for teams

Using Gitter is as simple as logging in with your GitHub credentials and you will be up and running in seconds. Our free plan allows up to 25 users in private room with no limits on chat history or integrations. For larger teams it's just $5 per user per month.

Built for GitHub

Our deep integration with GitHub allows you to create chat rooms for any organization or repository. Easily share and discuss issues or use full markdown format, including syntax formatting to share and discuss code.

Other integrations include Trello, CircleCI, CodeCov, Codeship, Coveralls, Docker Hub, Doorbell, Drone, Heroku, Huboard, Jenkins, Logentries, PagerDuty, Pivotal Tracker, Sentry, Sprintly and Travis as well as custom webhooks and an open source repository to add more integrations, which we gladly accept via a pull request.

Available everywhere

You can easily access Gitter in your browser, or any of our apps for Mac, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android, via our API or even IRC.

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