Full-stack error monitoring for developers
Rollbar helps development teams detect, diagnose and defeat application errors. Language support for Ruby, Python, JS, Node, PHP, .NET, Android, iOS, Go, Java and more. Over 30,000 developers from Twilio, Zendesk, Heroku, Twitch, Mixpanel, Instacart, Lyft and more trust Rollbar with their errors.
Once Rollbar is installed, errors, stack traces, deploys, affected users and trends will be instantly available for you to debug.
Smart & meaningful error notifications
Reduce the noise. Using our grouping algorithm, app errors get queued, de-duped and grouped. Get real time notifications via email, chat or issue tracker - you're in control.
Powerful analytics and insights
Drill down to the root cause. Rollbar collects a wide variety of context data, including request params, URL, client or server environment, and affected users. Graphs and trends by occurrence, browser, OS, location, user and host.
When you connect your GitHub repos, in-project filenames will be linked to the exact file and line in GitHub.
Quickly resolve, mute and reproduce errors
Mark an error as “Resolved” after you fixed it, and we’ll notify you if it happens again. Or if you want to hide it from view, set to “Muted”. Rollbar captures the entire request—headers, params, and all—we can replay individual occurrences of your errors, so you can easily reproduce them.
Track deploys
View your entire deploy history for each environment and how deploys affect error rates (overall and per-error). See which commits were included in each deploy.
Advanced search with Rollbar Query Language (RQL)
Search all your errors by class, message, host, status, severity level, environment, filename, context, ip, user id, username, or email in real-time. No sampling; we store everything you send us.
Integrate your favorite tools
Rollbar works where you do. Integrate your favorite tools and level up your existing workflows. Connect Rollbar with: GitHub, Slack, HipChat, JIRA, PagerDuty, Pivotal Tracker, Trello, Asana, Sprintly, Help Scout, Campfire, Flowdock, VictorOps and more.
Need behind your firewall? Rollbar Enterprise gives you all of the features and power of on-premises.
Authorize Rollbar to access your GitHub account.
Rollbar is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms, privacy, and support documentation.
Supported languages
JavaScript, Ruby, Python, PHP, Objective-C, Java, Go, C#
More info
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