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More powerful collaboration

Whether you’re running an open source project or a Fortune 500 company, we’ve made it easier than ever for your organization to work together.

Sign up for GitHub

Simple, flexible privileges

Organizations allow you to give your members just the right amount of access.

You can grant members the ability to create repositories and teams so that their workflows are never interrupted.

  • Greater security
  • Customizable access
  • Frictionless workflows
  • Team maintainers


Full administrative access

  • See all other members
  • Create teams
  • Mention teams
  • See all teams
  • See all repositories
  • Create repositories
  • Invite new members
  • Access to billing


Customizable access

  • See all other members
  • Create teams
  • Mention teams
  • See all teams
  • See all repositories
  • Create repositories
  • Invite new members
  • Access to billing

Fine-grained team permissions

Teams are a great way for groups of people to communicate and work on code together.

Adding repositories with the right level of access has never been easier. You can give a team Admin, Write, or Read access to any repository.

  • Granular permissions
  • Repository collaborators
  • Request to join teams
  • Member created teams
Learn more about teams

Open communication

The best work gets done when people are communicating effectively.

Mentioning people and teams on issues and pull requests is the simplest way for your organization’s members to collaborate.

  • Team mentions
  • Pull requests
  • Greater team visibility
  • Issues
Learn more

Managed access

Owners can quickly see who has access to your organization’s repositories.

The simple member management interface gives owners the ability to easily change or revoke access to any repository.

  • Clear roles
  • Access control
  • Membership visibility
  • Security monitoring
Learn more
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