Upgrade your ALLBOT with these four small but accurate sensors and program your robot to react to temperature, light and sound!
- 1 temperature sensor VR002T
- 2 light sensors VR002L
- 1 sound sensor VR002S
technical specifications
- temperature (VR002T):
- ranges: 3 ranges – selectable with switch (-32°/0°C), (0°/32°C), (32°/64°C)
- output: 0 to 3.3 V
- power supply: 5 VDC
- 2 x light (VR002L):
- ranges: 3 ranges – selectable with switch
- output: 0 to 3.3 V
- power supply: 5 VDC
- sound (VR002S):
- sensitivity: adjustable with trimmer
- output: 0 to 3 V
- power supply: 5 VDC