Hi Miltos,
No worries, glad I don't have to feel guilty about your Mini Driver not working.
The Atmega8 on the Mini Driver is fairly robust so I think it probably can be rescued. It may just be some problem with setting up wiring between the Arduino and the Mini Driver.
Perhaps you could try wiring VCC and GND on the Mini Driver to the 5V and GND lines on your Arduino. This would make sure that they have a common ground and power.
You may also be able to get more information by running avrdude from the command line. Avrdude is the program used by the Arduino environment to upload the bootloader. This is probably easier to do on Linux (you can run it from the Pi command line) but if you run
avrdude -c arduino -p atmega8 -P SERIAL_PORT
where SERIAL_PORT is the name of your COM or serial port (probably /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0 on Linux) then you should hopefully get some info on whether avrdude can see the Mini Driver (atmega8).