Pi 2 & Pi Co-op

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Pi 2 & Pi Co-op

Postby poweruser » Thu May 21, 2015 4:03 pm

Is the Pi Co-op compatible with the Pi 2, if so, how is it installed (LH / RH end of the 40 pin GPIO).
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Re: Pi 2 & Pi Co-op

Postby Alan » Thu May 21, 2015 4:17 pm

Hi there,

Yes, the Pi Co-op is compatible with the Pi 2. Holding the Pi 2 in front of you with the USB and network sockets to the right, the Pi Co-op is installed all the way to the left on the GPIO pins i.e. on all the pins that are the same as the original Pi.

The only slight downside of using the Pi Co-op with the Pi 2 is that the Pi Co-op covers up the slot for the camera cable on the Pi. I have been able to ise the camera with the Pi Co-op and Pi 2 though. Simply attach the Pi camera first and then gently fold the cable as you attach the Pi 2. It;ll be a bit tight, but everything should fit and work.

Hope that helps.


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Re: Pi 2 & Pi Co-op

Postby poweruser » Thu May 21, 2015 4:45 pm

Hi Alan, many thanks for the ultra-prompt positive response.

Would it be possible to download the robot sketch to the Co-op and by-pass / remove the original Arduino, I'm trying to make space to mount the USB power block on the top surface of the chassis. When it's mounted on the lower surface even minor vibration from movement makes the power block move to foul the wheels causing the robot to move in circles.

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Re: Pi 2 & Pi Co-op

Postby Alan » Fri May 22, 2015 8:50 am

Hi John,

Sorry, started writing this yesterday afternoon and then got distracted... :oops:

You can use the Pi Co-op as the Arduino on the robot, but the trouble is that the Pi Co-op doesn't have a motor driver chip like the mini driver, and so you'd need to add on an extra motor driver such as the L293D in order to make the wheel motors move on the robot.

I have considered trying to make a version of the mini driver that sits on top of the Pi to make everything more integrated in the past, but at the moment it's so much cheaper to buy the ready made mini driver board from Dagu that it doesn't make much sense economically.


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