Pan And Tilt Building HELP

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Pan And Tilt Building HELP

Postby MegaFlyCraft » Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:29 pm


I am currently in the process of build my pan/tilt kit, in the pictures there is 12 holes in the circles the bits fit onto and the screws supplied can fit in it (when i say pictures i mean the instructions show) But my circles have 18 holes and the screws don't fit.

Am i doing something wrong?
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Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:26 pm

Re: Pan And Tilt Building HELP

Postby Alan » Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:03 pm

Hi there,

Welcome to the forums. :)

Can you post a picture or two to give me more information about the bit you're having trouble with please?


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Re: Pan And Tilt Building HELP

Postby Alan » Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:37 pm

Hi there,

I've just had a chance to look at some of the servo motors, and nice observation skills, I've never noticed that the instructions only show 12 holes before. :)

All of the white servo horns (the white discs) I've used have had 18 holes in them, and they've all worked fine. You need to use the smaller screws that come with the kit, and aim for the central hole of each set of 3. Looking at some of the pan/tilt kits I've constructed you also want to aim for the inner row when putting a scrrew into the set of 6. The fit of the screws into the holes will be tight but the idea is that the screws self tap and cut into the servo horn as they're screwed in. I recommend that you attach the servo horns to the black metal brackets before attaching the servo horns to the servo motors if possible so that you can use a bit more force to screw in the screws and not run the risk of damaging the servos.

Hope that helps, if anything was unclear, please let me know.


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