WiFi access point and https

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WiFi access point and https

Postby danijazz » Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:13 pm

I have successfully set up the camera robot as a wifi access point however the adafruit tutorial assumes that the internet will be available via ethernet which isn't going to work with a robot which is moveable. Is there a way for the robot to access the internet via the wifi dongle. I have looked around but no clear answers so far.

Also is it easy to get tornado to serve up pages via https.
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Re: WiFi access point and https

Postby Alan » Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:41 pm

Hi there,

Welcome to the forum. :) Sorry for the delayed reply.

When setting up the wifi on the robot I skip over setting up the internet connection, and just plug an ethernet cable into the Pi whenever I need to update its software.

For getting mobile internet onto the robot I think that the most straightforward option might be to use another WiFi dongle, although you'll need a USB hub or the Model B+ for that, and power may be a bit of an issue. I have also been looking at the possibility of having the WiFi dongle act both as a WiFi client and as an access point (as discussed here) but I haven't had time to look at this in detail. Very interested to hear about anything you find out on the topic. :)

Getting tornado to serve via https could be a good thing to do in the future. Although the camera images are served by a separate program which would need to be converted to https as well. At the moment, because I don't have much time (or much of the required expertise) to focus on the networking it's probably best if I leave it as http so that I don't give anyone a false sense of security. :?


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Re: WiFi access point and https

Postby pageauc » Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:59 pm

I am running my Dawn Robot off my normal wifi router and not as a robot access point. This allows you to ssh into robot and run updates, Etc via internet.

1. Connect rpi to to an hdmi tv or monitor. plug a usb keyboard in.
2. Plug RPI into your network via an ethrnet connection.
3. Access the RPI desktop and setup a wifi connection to your home wifi router SID and password using the RPI wireless connection utility.
4. Do ifconfig command to get wireless adapter IP address.
5. Disconnect ethernet cable connection. This will force new wireless connection to be priority.
6. From an external computer use putty to SSH into RPI using wireless IP address to make sure you still have internet access. Try doing an update (eg sudo apt-get update)
7. Lift robot drive wheels so it will not move and access the robot control web page using your new wireless IP address. eg (yours will be different) You should now be able to control the robot from the new wireless address. This setting should stick after a reboot if you have a newer RPI build.

I access my Dawn Robot over my local wifi network without any problems. I can control the robot normally using the local IP address. If you have access to your router you might try doing a DHCP reservation so the IP address does not change over time. The setup makes updates, development and testing easier for me,
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