Hi there,
Nice to hear from you.
Interested to see how you get on with your Android development. I've played with a few samples, but never done anything in anger.
At one point I experimented with setting the Brownout detection value 4.0V, but then found that the mini driver was fairly unstable running off 4 rechargeable AA batteries.
I'm not 100% sure that the problem we're seeing with the bootloader corruption on the Mini Driver isn't somehow down to the bootloader, as if you look at its source code (hardware/arduino/bootloaders/atmega8/ATmegaBOOT.c) then it doesn't look as if it would be that hard for random serial communication on bootup to rewrite bits of memory.
If you've got time to test this at some point then I can send over details of compiling the optiboot bootloader if you need one or provide a compile one. It sounds like you have a fairly vigorous testing environment set up.
I'll keep an eye out for a decent Android open source bluetooth project. I'd like to have a go at Arndroid bluetooth communication myself at some point.
// Unique UUID for this application
private static final UUID MY_UUID_SECURE =
private static final UUID MY_UUID_INSECURE =
private static final UUID MY_UUID_SERIAL_PORT =
UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); //
HC-06: r
HC-06: f
Flash corruption can easily be avoided by following these design recommendations (one is
1. If there is no need for a Boot Loader update in the system, program the Boot Loader Lock
Bits to prevent any Boot Loader software updates
2. Keep the AVR RESET active (low) during periods of insufficient power supply voltage.
This can be done by enabling the internal Brown-out Detector (BOD) if the operating volt-
age matches the detection level. If not, an external low VCC Reset Protection circuit can
be used. If a reset occurs while a write operation is in progress, the write operation will be
completed provided that the power supply voltage is sufficient
3. Keep the AVR core in Power-down sleep mode during periods of low VCC. This will pre-
vent the CPU from attempting to decode and execute instructions, effectively protecting
the SPMCR Register and thus the Flash from unintentional writes
el_es wrote:Is it possible at all to program the Arduino-ish board without ^^^
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