
Universal Servo Breakout

Connect servos to lots of different microcontroller boards

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When I started to play with robots, I found myself experimenting with a lot of different microcontroller boards that were available on the market. Each time I needed to connect some hobby servos, sensors, buttons, etc. The breadboard turned out to be pretty sub-optimal for that -- not only it took a lot of room to connect a simple servo (three rows), but also the whole thing was pretty fragile and, honestly, unsuitable for putting on anything that moves. Making a separate prototype board for each new microcontroller was too much work, so I came up with this universal board.

The idea is simple: on both edges there are vertical ground and power lines, and all through the board there are horizontal signal lines, with male and female headers. You have to add some female-female DuPont cables to provide power to the microcontroller board in the right places, and then connect the servos or whatever you have. Easy.

  • Mark III

    Radomir Dopieralski01/22/2016 at 10:10 2 comments

    This is the PCB I ordered before I made all the improvements of Mark IV. To be honest, I think it's mostly good enough, and I will end up using this and not ordering Mark IV.

  • Mark IV

    Radomir Dopieralski01/04/2016 at 20:10 0 comments

    So, after getting Mark II to its current state, I decided it would be nice to actually have a bunch of ready boards like that, with a switch and maybe a capacitor. I sat down and designed the newest version:

    Depending on which holes you populate with male/female headers, it should be able to accept a variety of boards -- all the boards supported by Mark II, and also an ESP8266-1, PyBoard, ESP8266-12 on a breakout, etc. It won't work with Raspberry Pi or Arduino UNO -- that's impossible for this size.

  • Mark II

    Radomir Dopieralski01/04/2016 at 19:58 0 comments

    The second version was actually made on a strip-board, and had some modifications to allow a variety of different boards, such as:

    Arduino clones:


    Teensy LC:

    Maple Leaf clone:

    "Blue Pill" STM32 board:

    Another odd STM32:


    Espruino Pico:

    and a bunch of others. I also added a power switch, so that it's easier to make changes in connections safely.

  • Mark I

    Radomir Dopieralski01/04/2016 at 19:52 0 comments

    The first attempt at this was made when I was only using small Arduino clones, some Teensies and Trinkets, and an odd STM32 board. All of those boards had the same width, so my first attempt only had two rows of female headers:

    (The holes are there only to make it look cooler.) The connections are pretty much what you would expect from a servo breakout:

    The dimensions are 5×5cm, the largest I could get made for cheap.

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