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Ox with Gecko Controller and CNC Linux

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Bmoz, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. Bmoz

    Bmoz Well-Known Builder

    Bmoz published a new build:

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  2. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Excellent work @Bmoz :thumbsup:

    Thank you for sharing the information. It is nice to know that LinuxCNC is so easy to get up and running from a standing start and it looks like you are now well on your way towards a fully functional machine. ;)

    Bmoz, KerryH and mybuild14 like this.
  3. KerryH

    KerryH Well-Known Builder

    Looking forward to seeing this build progress!
    Bmoz likes this.
  4. Bmoz

    Bmoz Well-Known Builder

    Thanks guys1
  5. Seul Kee

    Seul Kee New Builder

    Since I also want to use LinuxCNC for my build, your info is very helpful and timely.
    If possible, please provide some more details regarding the motor control.

    I would like to know how you would connect the Gecko driver with the Synthetos 3 axis
    driver board you mentioned in your BOM.

    I am thinking about using Beaglebone Black as my Linux computer.

    Thanking you in advance!
  6. Bmoz

    Bmoz Well-Known Builder

    If you use the gecko g540 no other driver is necessary. I scrapped that board and forgot to remove it from the BOM.

    What are you building?
  7. Bmoz

    Bmoz Well-Known Builder

    Tomorrow I will try to make a video of the software setup
  8. Seul Kee

    Seul Kee New Builder

    Thanks for your clarification. I thought it was rather confusing that you are using G540
    and Synthetos.

    I am waiting for the parts for building an OX-like CNC router which can handle 4' x 4' panels.
    That is why I am very interested in your build.

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