OSH Park
Profile for BenjaminG
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Shared projects
nRF905 3.3V noShift
layer board of
Shared on
September 2nd, 2016 17:35.
- Assembled, TESTED, and works awesome.
- nRF905 at 915 MHz.
- Uses Johanson 915 MHz chip antenna P/N 0915AT43A0026.
- LEDs on all three interrupt pins for visual feedback.
- Do not exceed 3.3V for IOin and Vin. There is no regulator or level shifting. Shouldn’t need to level shift IOout. There are six (6) inputs and four (4) output IO pins.
- All values indicated on board are good. Three (3) LEDs and three (3) resistors are not marked, because color and brightness are by preference.
Battery Charger 6-Ports Li-Ion
layer board of
Shared on
January 25th, 2016 14:50.
- Uses NXP MC34671 li-ion charging IC.
- Power with micro-usb. Intended to be low current battery charger <300ma per channel. I have one of these set up to charge at 100ma.
- The USB-micro socket is all SMD. Added vias to the pads for strength but should have used type with through-hole tabs on the socket body.
- The IC takes a wide range of input voltage so this can be run off more than 5v. Should have included a 12V socket.
- 6 channels.
- Added buttons on the EN lines so they can be individually restarted. Included pull-downs on EN too.
- Uses Molex MicroFit 3.00 pitch sockets to plug batteries in.
- Assembled and works great.
ATxmega32e5 Breakout v1.1
layer board of
Shared on
November 13th, 2015 20:35.
ATxmega32e4 Breakout
- All pins / ports broken out
- 3v3 LDO
- LED on PA1
- Power LED after LDO
- Spot for crystal and caps but not needed
- Reset button
- PDI Programming
- Assembled and functional so far
ATMEL-ICE Adapter v1.0
layer board of
Shared on
September 15th, 2015 18:58.
- The cheapest verion of the Atmel-ICE doesnt have any cables and the cables are expensive. I shoulda got the one with cables. This board and my own custom cable is working pretty good. So I didnt need the weird and flimsy Atmel cable anyway. Nyaaah.
- Adapter board to change from the 1.27 pitch 2x5 pin header to a normal 2.54 pitch 2x5 pin header.
- Includes an SPI/PDI 6-pin header for the AVR side only.
- The spacing of the 1.27 pitch connectors was measured with a micrometer and both plug in properly. This is not intended to be plugged/unplugged a bunch. Plug it in and let it be.
- This board accounts for the key and the ribbon cable line that are shown inconsistently in the ATMEL-ICE manual.
- This has been assembled and the 6-pin SPI/PDI is functioning properly.
Battery Charging Li-Ion Single Cell 5-Output
layer board of
Shared on
September 10th, 2015 14:26.
Battery Charging Board
- Made this to charge multiple LED hula hoops off one USB. Charge rate is slow (100 mA per output) so usb load is also relatively low.
- Uses Freescale MC34671.
- Five (5) outputs.
- USB Micro power in.
- 2.5mm mono RCA socket for each output. I use a double ended 2.5mm cable and a 2.5mm socket on my hoops.
- 3 Status LEDs per output. PWR, FAST, CHRG. They are labeled for 1kOhm but probably use 10k on PWR and FAST to make them dimmer.
- Resistor labeled on board is for 100 ma charge rate.
- This has been assembled and is functional.