Shared projects

ORCA Control Board

by Hughes.steven.

2 layer board of 2.27x4.43 inches (57.53x112.52 mm).
Shared on February 19th, 2016 13:26.

Control Board 0.22

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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ORCA Power Board

by Hughes.steven.

2 layer board of 2.27x4.43 inches (57.53x112.52 mm).
Shared on February 19th, 2016 13:26.

Power Board 0.22

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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NodeMCU Breakout

by Hughes.steven.

2 layer board of 2.17x2.17 inches (55.12x55.12 mm).
Shared on January 12th, 2016 23:04.

A breakout board for the NodeMCU. Connects the I/O and power to screw terminals.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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