Shared projects

MTG CR2032 PCB Saver, Rev A

by MusicTechnologiesGroup.

2 layer board of 0.90x1.00 inches (22.89x25.40 mm).
Shared on November 4th, 2015 16:03.

This item is a battery holder/coin cell adapter PCB that lets you mount a standard CR2032 battery holder over top of a PCB layout that uses a soldered-in battery. It basically converts the pin layout from one of many odd 2- pin and 3-pin board styles into the common battery holder style. In the future, battery replacement will be a snap! Save your gear from leakage, damaged traces and lost sounds! Was designed for Yamaha DX7 synth. The Instructions are here.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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