OSH Park
Profile for cperiod
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esp-12 2side v2
by cperiod.
layer board of
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April 14th, 2017 00:46.
Basic ESP-12 dev board, derived from a single-sided home-etched version using (mostly) through-hole components I have on hand. 1x AMS1117-33, 4x 10k R, 2x 10-22uF, 1x 100pF, 1x slide switch, 1x screw terminal, 2x tact switches, (optional) LED+resistor, assorted headers (I mount my ESP-12’s on 2mm headers).
You can also swap the AMS1117 with a TO-92 HT7333 for low quiescent power applications (i.e. 3.7v Li-ion).