OSH Park
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Chronopic v3.0
layer board of
Shared on
February 22nd, 2016 20:15.
Not tested or ordered yet!
Construction (building) of Chronopic 3 board
Main information is here: Chronopic 3.0 (Iearobotics) (in spanish).
Component | Component on PCB | Description | Quantity |
Resistor | R2,R4,R5,R6 | 330R | 4 |
Resistor | R3 | 147R | 1 |
Resistor | R1 | 10K | 1 |
Choke | CH1 | VK200 | 1 |
Electrolityc capacitor | C4 | 1uF/100v | 1 |
Ceramic multi.layer capacitor | C1,C2 | 22nF | 2 |
Ceramic capacitor | C3,C5 | 10nF | 2 |
Quartz cristal | X1 | 4MHz | 1 |
LED green 3mm | D1,D2 | Green LED 3mm | 1 |
LED red 3mm | D3,D4 | Red LED 3mm | 1 |
PIC16F876A | IC1 | PIC16F876A | 1 |
FT232RL | IC2 | FT232RL | 1 |
Switch SPST momentary | SW1,SW2 | Switch SPST momentary | 2 |
Harting 10 ways straight connector | CT1 | Harting 10 ways straight | 1 |
Header vertical 2.5mm 5 ways polarized | CP1 | Header vertical 2.5mm 5 ways polarized | 1 |
Terminal block 2 ways | CL1 | Terminal block 2 ways | 1 |
RCA female connector | CL2 | RCA female connector | 1 |
USB connector | X1 | USB connector acodado, type B | 1 |
Integrated circuits
Component | Manufacturer | Man. PN | Distributer | Dist. PN |
PIC16F876A | Microchip | PIC16F876A-I/SP | ||
FT232RL | FTDI | FT232RL | Farnell | 1146032 |
Attention: Component VK200 it’s inespecific, eg. at Taiwan there’s lots of new vk200 models. We recommend VK2000 FB20010-3B-RC (Ferrite Bead Choke. 6-holes core wired 2.5 turns high current RF choke. Impedance 785Ohm at 100MHz and 460Ohm at 10MHz.)
Maybe you are interested also on Chronopic source code
If you cannot produce Chronopic 3, maybe you are interested in Chronopic 2. Here you have all information on Chronopic 2, also this forum post maybe useful: Juanfer explanation on Chronopic 2 (spanish).
More information at Hardware FAQ, and at Chronopic on Forum.