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RS232 for Electric Imp BreakOut Board
by ljbeng.
layer board of
Shared on
February 10th, 2014 15:58.
This will solder directly to the SparkFun Electric Imp breakout https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11400 and adds RS232 Serial voltage levels to the Imp. Power and serial are all through an RJ12 6 pin connector. 1-GND, 2-+5V, 3-Tx232, 4-Rx232. Uses Uart57 on Imp. Chip is Max3232 http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/MAX3232CSE%2B/MAX3232CSE%2B-ND/947902 and all will fit very nicely inside this enclosure…. http://www.pactecenclosures.com/product-detail.php?productid=1393&seriesid=82&classid=25