OSH Park
Profile for teckel
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ATmega328 ISP Programming Interface
layer board of
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September 16th, 2016 16:04.
Designed to be plugged into a breadboard along side an ATmega328 for ISP programming without any additional components or wiring.
Simply plug in a bare ATmega328 to the center of a breadboard, connect this board to the breadboard along side the ATmega328 (in line with pins 17-22), and connect a wire from the RST port on this board to pin one on the ATmega328. Includes 100nF decoupling capacitor and 10k Ohm pull-up resistor on the reset pin.
Also includes jumper pins to choose if you want power to come from the programmer or not (jumper installed to use programmer’s power, remove jumper to use breadboard circuit power.
If running the ATmega328 with its internal 8mHz clock, no other components or wiring is required to install bootloaders, send programming, and built projects with a bare ATmega328 on a breadboard.