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sensor v1.0.zip
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sensor v1.0.zip
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November 1st, 2016 18:30.
An ultra-low-power and very small arduino compatible wireless temperature sensor.
- Very small size: same footprint as the CR2 battery holder by itself.
- A single CR2 lithium cell provides enough power to continuously operate approx 6 to 7 years.
- The wireless range is approx 100 meters (RFM69CW)
- The temperature accuracy is 0.25 degree Celcius. (DS18B20 in 10bit mode)
- Update rate of once every minute
NOTE: This design is only the sensor node. The receiver is a separate project.
The zipfile contains the gerber files and a pdf file with design remarks, full schematic, BOM, assembly diagrams, drill/pcb info and an embedded interactive 3D model view (for the interactive 3D view, use a recent acrobat reader to open the pdf file. Otherwise the last page is just empty)